Conveying & Elevating
Our conveyors and elevators are built with the best quality food grade PVC belting and we only use endless belts. These belts help to eliminate hang up points and the need to replace worn joiners. Double Amtel guide strips reduce belts not tracking or needing tracking adjustment. The head and tail rollers can be fully disassembled for individual component replacement rather than replacing complete assemblies. All shafts are exactly the same size and require zero machining for ease of replacement. Incorporated into both conveyors and elevators is a drop zone to reduce damage potential at transition points. We also offer troughed rubber chevron elevators for high capacity or dirty areas of you operation.
- Full stainless steel construction
- High quality Nord gearbox and motors
- Soft drop zones
- Ammeraal food grade blue PVC belts
- Endless belts
- Double “A” guide for consistent tracking
- Reconfigurable lengths
- Roller bed
- Multidirectional
- Return roller rubber standoffs (reduce debris buildup)

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